The ancient Japanese Samurai sword should be top on your list if you’ve ever wanted to own a sword. Samurai swords have been in use for centuries, and the efficiency of these swords has never been in doubt in combat. Although credible sword sellers like still produce well-refined samurai swords, the market is flooded with replicas.
It’s worth noting that there’s an array of similarities between these replicas and the quality swords. You should be able to distinguish between the proper Samurai swords and the fake ones to derive optimal performance form the sword. Here are a few things to look out for when acquiring your next sword;
Steel type and treatment
Steel type: The quality of steel used in producing the sword plays a significant role in its strength. A proper sword is forged from carbon steel and refined to remove impurities. Swords made from stainless steel do not possess the qualities of those made from carbon steel; such swords are more suited to ornamental use. Stainless steel swords are usually brittle, and this makes them unsuitable for tough tasks.
Steel treatment: Samurai swords are quite famous for the method of heat treatment used on such swords. Heat treatment is applied to ensure there’s a balance between hardness and toughness. In essence, the sword snaps in half when it’s too hard and cuts in two when it’s too soft. It would help if you looked out for this essential quality in any sword you purchase as it determines its durability.
Handling qualities
Your sword becomes a liability to you if the handle is not correctly attached to the blade of the sword. Japanese swords are known to have tangs that are locked in place with the handle of the sword. In other climes, the tang is forged as part of the sword, but this could result in an increase in the weight of the sword. You could always determine the tang type from afar, but it’s advisable to handle the sword before making your decision.
Edge Geometry
The quality of a sword that distinguishes it from mere knives and cutlasses is the edge geometry of the sword. Samurai swords often have curved edges, and this contributes to their cutting capabilities. The edge geometry also adds balance to the sword, and this helps in handling the sword. It’s important first to note your purpose of buying the sword as well as the needs it will serve. Certain swords are suited to cutting, while other swords are more suited to slicing. Also, some swords have very sharp edges but lag when applied physically; other swords appear blunt but show excellent cutting capabilities.
Length of blade
The sword’s blade length is often prioritized by most people who are looking to acquire a sword. Japanese swords vary in length, and each sword type has its unique qualities. The choice of length is based on individual needs, especially if all the other factors have been considered.
Final Thought
Buying a Samurai sword requires the utmost attention to detail if you’re looking to get good value for your money. Several factors that can prove helpful while you have your decision have been listed in this article.